Our bulk email software comes with an abundance of user-friendly features. With our Software, you will receive full stats reporting of how many people viewed your message, how many people click through from your email message, and how many people opted out from receiving future mailings. The Web Based Bulk Email Software offers the most affordable and cost-effective pricing structure available. Email Software

We make email marketing simple. Web based platform that is specialized for small to large volume marketing campaigns. Official Email Marketing is the ideal solution for mounting a bulk email campaign. The official email marketing system will allow you to focus on your marketing campaigns and not on the resources of deploying messages.

BuyBulkEmailLists.com software is completely web based and provides all the functionality for users to fully manage their marketing campaigns. You use our servers and ISP so you will never have problems with your web host or ISP. Everything you need is online and there is nothing to download.

BuyBulkEmailLists.com Software Pricing Structure

(all software accounts are month to month and can be canceled at anytime)

From - per month  To - per month Price - per month
1  1,000
1,001  5,000
5,001  10,000
10,001  50,000
50,001  100,000
100,001  500,000
500,001  1,000,000
1,000,001  10,000,000
10,000,001  30,000,000
30,000,001  50,000,000
50,000,001  100,000,000
100,000,001  150,000,000
150,000,001  200,000,000

BuyBulkEmailLists.com Software Guarantee

1. Cancel Anytime month to month billing
2. Upgrade anytime by simply paying the difference in account packages
3. Upload your own purchased lists (unlike other leading companies)
4. One time setup fee of $100.00 includes domain reg. and setup
5. Support ticket system to help you with any questions

Questions? Contact Sales 312.550.7924

Software Signup Form

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Demo The Bulk Email Software

» Bulk Email Software Login POP-Open

Username: demo
Password: password

Once logged in Click on the "Email Marketing" tab. When you are logged take a look around. Contact us with any questions.